Frequently Asked Questions

How do I pay my fine?

Online Pay now →

In Person
Schedule an appointment to visit the Toledo Parking Violations Bureau in the ParkSmart Services and Information Center at 227 N. Saint Clair St., Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Make sure to bring an I.D.

Submit a check or money order for the appropriate amount payable to ParkSmart Toledo Parking Violations Bureau in the envelope provided. Never send cash.

Drop Off
Drop off your payment at the drop box located at ParkSmart Services and Information Center at 227 N. Saint Clair St.

What are the expired meter fines?

Initial Fine

  • 1-4 Tickets: $10.00
  • 5-9 Tickets: $20.00
  • 10+ Tickets: $30.00

After 15 Days

  • 1-4 Tickets: $20.00
  • 5-9 Tickets: $30.00
  • 10+ Tickets: $40.00

After 30 Days

  • 1-4 Tickets: $35.00
  • 5-9 Tickets: $45.00
  • 10+ Tickets: $55.00

How do I dispute a parking citation I've received?

You have the right to appeal a parking citation within 15 days from date of issuance. Explain your circumstances and include any supplemental documentation. Our Violations Bureau staff will follow up regarding your appeal.

Online File now →

In Person
Schedule an appointment to visit the Toledo Parking Violations Bureau in the ParkSmart Services and Information Center at 227 N. Saint Clair St., Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to fill out the required appeal form.

Click here to download an appeal form. Mail this form along with all required documentation to ParkSmart 227 N. Saint Clair St., Toledo, OH 43604.

Drop Off
Click here to download an appeal form. Drop off your appeal form at the drop box located at ParkSmart Services and Information Center at 227 N. Saint Clair St.

What happens if I don't pay the fine?

Unpaid parking citations may be sent to an outside collection agency after 90 days.

As defined in the Ohio Revised Code, Section 4521.10, failure to pay after accumulating 3 citations or 1 single citation for parking in a handicap space subjects you to Ohio’s D.E.T.E.R. program (administered by the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles), at which time you will incur additional charges, a vehicle registration block by the State of Ohio, and/or towing and impoundment by the City of Toledo’s Ordinance.

What is D.E.T.E.R.?

D.E.T.E.R. is an acronym that means Drivers with Excessive Tickets Excluded from Registration. If you allow three parking citations or one single handicapped citation to go unpaid, the State of Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles will place a registration block on your license plate number.

With the D.E.T.E.R. block, you will be unable to renew any current vehicle registrations or register any recently purchased vehicles in your name until the block is removed, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code, Section 4521.10. If you have co-signed on a vehicle for anyone, your registration is also subject to being blocked if three or more citations, or one single handicap citation are issued against the license plate.

You will be charged an additional $5.00 per citation for each citation that is blocking your registration.

How will I know if my registration has been blocked?

You will receive a notice directly from the Ohio Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, which will list the citation(s) submitted for D.E.T.E.R. This letter does NOT necessarily list all citations against your vehicle, therefore, it does NOT reflect your entire balance due.

How can I get a registration block removed?

In order to receive a release form for a D.E.T.E.R. block, you must pay all open citations on your account.

If you require an immediate release, you must make your cash or credit card payment (I.D. required) in our office, located at 227 N. Saint Clair St. Toledo, OH 43604. Appointments are required. Please call our office at 419-242-7515 to make yours today. If you elect to pay by check or online at our website, your release will be held for 10 business days.

NOTE: The Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles and Deputy Registrar’s office WILL NOT accept payment for citations.

What is your refund policy?

ParkSmart does not generally issue refunds, and ParkSmart reserves the right to refuse a refund request at any time. To request a refund due to overpayment or a duplicate payment, contact ParkSmart by mail within 30 days of the disputed payment, identifying the date, amount, and purpose for the payment, a detailed explanation for your refund request, and your mailing address.

The determination of whether a requested refund is warranted is solely in the discretion of ParkSmart. ParkSmart will issue a check by mail no later than thirty days after determining a refund is warranted. ParkSmart will not issue a refund in any manner other than by check, regardless of how the payment to be refunded was made. If your refund request is found to be unwarranted, ParkSmart will not necessarily contact you in any way to communicate its denial of your request.

No refund request will be considered unless full payment was received for parking charges and any outstanding parking fines have been paid in full.